Operations Cluster
Shop Operations Cluster
Current pages
Design Plans of Bike Kitchen Space and Courtyard
See the page on Building_information
Suggestions for additional material
- inventory management for tools
- small / new parts for resale
- consumables
- update-able work night tasks
Shop Operations Cluster Coordinator Description
The Shop Operations Cluster (SOC) is responsible for the physical maintenance and management of the Bike Kitchen. The SOC ensures that the shop is stocked at all times with supplies necessary for the smoothing running and efficiency of the organization, which includes tools, new parts, used parts, facility supplies, and office and administrative needs. The SOC will be overseen by one or two Shop Operations Cluster Coordinators (SOCC's), who will delegate tasks as needed to other volunteers in the SOC
SOCC Responsibilities
- Keymaster
- Order hardware, facility, and office supplies
- Order new parts
- Develop and maintain parts-ordering policies
- Acquire used parts
- Stock forms and cards
- Ensure facilities maintenance
- Manage tools
- Manage Metal Recycling
SOCC Qualifications
- Knowledge of and commitment to the Bike Kitchen
- Knowledge of shop procedures and functions
- Inventory management
- Strong leadership and organization skills
- Ability to represent the Bike Kitchen to other organizations and the public
Possible Other SOCC Volunteer Positions
- Parts Orderer
- Keymaster
- Hardware Parts Orderer
- Facilities Supply
- "Wide Reciever"
- Used Bike Parts Coordinator / "Picker-Upper"
- Metal Recycler
- Cintas Coordinator
Breakdown of Responsibilities
As the scope of the Operation Cluster was deemed large, it was broken into two positions: Facilities SOCC, and Administrative SOCC. The responsibilities for each are as follows:
Facilities SOCC Responsibilities
- Keymaster
- Ordering hardware parts and facility supplies for shop
- Metal recycling
- General facilities maintenance (garbage, water, mail, Cintas, DSL, phone, etc.)
- Tasks yet to be determined
Admin SOCC Responsibilities
- Acquisition and intake of donations
- Ordering shop tools
- Order and stock forms and cards
- Maintain shop rag circulation system
Joint Responsibilities
- Maintain parts ordering policies
- Facilities maintenance
- Shop order deliveries
- Acting as liaison for the Bike Kitchen in communicating with property manager and contractors (plumber, electrician etc.)
Shop Emergencies
In addition to the above duties, the Facilities SOCC will also act as the immediate point of contact and responsible party in case of an emergency or a facilities related issue at the shop e.g. break-in, flood, power outage, etc. The Administrative SOCC is responsible for acting as the immediate contact and responsible party should the Facilities SOCC for some reason or other emergency be unavailable. Both SOCC's may work together to resolve any issue. Both SOCC's will communicate with each other regarding unavailability due to out of town vacations and the like to ensure that at least one SOCC will be available in case of emergency at any given time. Both SOCC's will have their contact numbers available in the shop for staff in case of such an emergency.