Mechanics Minutes Mar 2009
From The Bike Kitchen
Bike Kitchen Mechanics Meeting 3-29-09, minutes taken by Jordan
- Confirm open shifts
- Classes
- New Space Discussion
- New Operations Coordinator Discussion
- Volunteer Coordinator Discussion
- Search for IT coordinator Discussion
- Donor Recognition
- Spanish Hours
- Green Business Proposal
- Youth Program
Meeting Census
- Lauren—Thursday's, greeting
- Johnny—No shift yet
- Crystal—No shift yet
- Toby—No shift yet
- Jordan—Tuesday
- Kelly—Saturday (Opening)
- Evan--Wednesday Shift
- Mark—Wants to commit, not sure when yet
- Abdul Latif—Maybe get involved
- Neal—Shows up all the time
- Jesse Lawyer—no regular shift; Summer shift
- Illana—no regular Shift; summer shift
- Jeffrey—Wednesday
- Justin—Tuesday, floating thursday and saturday
- Katie—Wednesday
- Jesse—Wednesday
- Cole—Everyday Saturday or Sunday
- Jeremiah—Thursdays
- Travis—Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Tim—Web Person
- Charles—tuesdays mechanic
- Brian-Thursday
New Space Discussion
- Brian: Works great
- Jeff: Manage donation a little better. Too much clutter
- Illana: Observe more—need more input. Let it be organic and DIY. Stop Donations temporarily. Finish Handlebar rack, work night soon.
- Neal: increased size of space and people, more than at least three mechanics on shift.
- Illana : Jr. Mechanic program—shadowing form to beef up staff.
- Justin: Build More Space for bike storage.
- Offer free stuff once a month to cycle out old stuff.
- Jesse: Jump on Projects
- Handlebar rack—Kelly
- Work Night—end of April
- Kelly: +1 on free stuff; plans on getting stuff out.
Operations Coordinator Intro
- Illana: Key master, metal recycling, order supplies.
- Jordan: Oversees tool orders, forms, signs, procedures,
- Both update shop manual, JR. Mechnanic program, shadowing, evaluations
- Brian: List of shop supplies and tools
- Jordan is working on currently
- Neal: List covered by Steven? Short list?
- Create formal, easy process for.
- Coordinate with Steven
- Neal: Doesn't like agreement form
- Jeff: Likes agreement form.
- Jesse: Cart before the horse: not a refined training program yet. The real work
- Mechanics can't use shop for personal financial gain
- Don't talk about this form tonight.
- Apprentice, not jr. mechanic form
- Kelly: Freaky Awesome stuff for being a mechanic
- Formalized a little: something awesome for mechanics, incentives, recognized
- Travis: Feedback—people login once a day, then email next day asking about shift experience. Travis will take on.
- Neal: Seconds jesse's cart before the horse.
- Lauren: Vote on next meeting, the agreement
- Can we do apprenticeship program, and finalize mechanics skills need,Lauren: Over time—email laterVolunteer coordinator introLauren: Pumped on new jobJesse: Josh said he would help train u
IT Coordinator Search
- Illana: We need a commitment, don't have one! Really important!
- Maintains freehub, website, wiki (sad state)
- Jesse: Descriptions for positions exist, not set in stone, they do exist.
- Illana: Transparency info isn't on wiki, or viewable. Needs to happen soon
- Brian: Wants to keep it updated; participation is needed to keep it running
- Tim: Wants to consider nomination after talking to Rigel
- Kelly: Maybe two months from now.
- Lauren: Put a call out to list.
Donor Recognition Plaque Proposal
- Crystal: Couldn't print it;
- wants to have a list of donors, names in order of how much was donated (no numbers)
- Larger donors, bigger fonts, smaller donors, smaller fonts
- $20 is cost of plaque
- within the month it comes out
- Illana: Cool way to denote donations—grades of metal for frams
- Crystal: Metal grading is part of it
- Jesse: When we solicited donations, those categories should exist
- How big, and where put?
- Do you have names and amounts properly?
- Crystal: Cat hooked me up with names; final plaque same size as one in case, mount somewhere obvious
Spanish hours proposal
- Katie: Reads proposal
- Illana: Do you staff regular shift in addition? Who else is on that?
- Cole: Can't do both shifts
- Jesse Not lawyer: Also interested in Sunday
- Illana: How long do we pilot it?
- Katie: When is a good time to start it?
- Brian: Staffing means that its more open hours. No risk to project. Give em keys.
- Don't advertise on trial. Just do it.
- Jordan: Make it more bilingual all the time. Have sunday be focused, but in general spanish should be a language we can speak.
- Jesse: Expanding sunday hours, and Youth program, we need to keep it tidy, spic and span and clean!
- Kelly: convo should continue whether we need to have underserved communities served no one day or generally always have access. Also
- Is spanish speaking a requirement for Sunday Spanish hours?
- Cole: Integrates into BK; everyone can learn. If you don't speak spanish but wanna come in, do it!!!
- Katie: Ditto; I'm not fluent, but know enough to work it.
- Mark: Bike Coalition is required to do bike outreach to latino communities, lets coordinate.
- Illana: Only difference is that its spanish oriented. Rates stay the same?
- Jesse: Is it only open to spanish speaking patrons?
- Cole: No
- Lauren: Call for sunday vols
- Lauren: Greets on sundays
- Brian: Spanish language open hours should be promoted, other randoms will come in who don't speak spanish, so other mechanics are useful
- Brian: BK free if has to be, so no problem
- Crystal: If we advertise on other than just spanish speaking, spotlight gets gaffed. Just advertise spanish hours.
- Jesse: Ya'll don't have a lot of experience at shop, so we wanna make sure ya'll are prepped.
- Jeremiah: Like WTF night. People will come by no matter what
- Kelly: If sunday is gonna be crazy, lets just pick a night to make it Spanish focused where hella spanish people show up.
- Illana: We need a staff mechanic There.
- Mark: Name tags should say spanish speaker if they speak spanish
- Cole and Katie wrap up: Open to everyone, beyond Cole and Katie, should grow; main point is to help Spanish speakers; thanks for the trust.
- Lauren: We need a dedicated opener and closer; Neal says he will open and close on sunday for the first month;
- Jeremiah: put on list;
- Brian: Put to vote:
- Illana: Concerned about after 1^st^ month, we need solid experienced mechanic
- Jesse: Open only to spanish speakers
- Johnny: Have it as an event to start off
- Lauren: All in favor of a spanish shift:
- The measure passes
Youth Program Proposal
- Justin: We wanna have youth program at BK; so two pilot programs to promote that.
- First program is 7 tepees. We do 2 days a week with them: Thursday, their youth Jordan and Justin, and Their staff do a bike building class from 3:15-5:45. Friday: Riding club. Those bikes stored at their center.
- Jordan: Second program is riding club at Boys and Girls club on Bryant.
- Logistics: 7 tepees and BG club covers liability
- Neal: Are they too young?
- Justin: no
- Illana: High school kids take stock from us.
- Riding club bikes come to us.
- Youth want small mountain bikes and BMX bikes, which our clientelle don't want.
- Justin
- New stuff paid for by 7 Tepees
- Brian: Make sure youth are taken care of on thursday before shift.
- Tim: Bikes Not Bombs in Boston has been doing this for a while. Help you out!
- Jesse: Could we end it earlier at 5:30, so that it can be in shape by 6 to open up.
- Justin: Yes
- Mark: 1 have you spoken with YMCA and presidio; school district?; SFPD has to donate youth bikes to community, we could use it.
- Justin: used to work for Y; BG isn't school district; hook us up.Illana: Stipend for ya'll? Wants that stipend to go to BK, wants it to have BK name on it.
- Justin: Youth program deserves payment because its different than a normal shift.
- Should be run as a program of the BK, initially with other programs as collaborators.
- Memorandum of understanding: They pay instructors, BK has name on it.
- Kelly: don't have problem with stipend; BK isn't taken advantage of here.
- Kids stuff should be visible in BK. Physically, a representation in here of work we're doing with kids.
- Neal: By laws say we can't profit here:
- Brian: Stipend is important; this is a normal way for BK to be used. This is good
- Jesse: Payment is not in by laws. Intent behind financial gain regards flipping bikes on craigslist. This is kosher under our mission. Stipend is cool.
- Johnny: You are experienced with kids. My experience with kids is massive losses.
- Justin: We talked about it in written proposal. Youth have to demonstrate that space is same as when they started.
- Jeremiah: We've talked forever about payment and BK employees. I don't think it can't happen, just hasn't, youth programmers could get paid in the future.
- Lauren: Ya'll want a vote tonight? Can we vote now?
- Illana: Liability as Indie Contractors: What are shop ruls of other kids in shop who aren't covered?
- Guest instructors cool, otherwise people fill out paperwork.
- Illana: So you can't wrench on your own stuff here?
- Yes: We are gonna bump up expectation in shop during those hours. We don't want youth to smoke and swear here, we don't want to do that here.
- Also we used to pay instructors. And grantwriters.
- We are also gonna write earn-a-bike curriculum that will help organize youth here generally; their volunteering here for a bike will help shop.
- Vote:
- It passes!
Bike Racks at Businesses proposal
- Illana: Bike Coalition gets calls from private businesses to install racks. Bike coalition will get us resources, we install it for people, charge a percentage for labor and we make cash!
- Helps biking in SF; gives us $$$
- Mark: original program from atlanta. They advertise at BK. They approach businesses actively to do it. Money for shop.
- SFBC: Has no one to refer them to.
- BK can fill niche and make cash.
- Brian: Doesn't think its part of the BK Mission. BK wouldn't add much, and whoever does it should get all the cash. We can't even get a receiving address for our place.
- Justin: Schools also don't qualify. People should get paid for that.
- Illana: Shocked and awed that we don't wanna do that. It serves bike related stuff, makes us money.
- Crystal: No one at Bike Coalition does this.
- Kelly: Whose to say that people who are associated with BK can do it?
- Lauren: Put it on email.
Justin Surprise
- Justin: In spirit of building community with BK. Once a month bike ride. He does first couple months.